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This point looks out over the city. If you have a car it is an easy drive to the top. Pack a picnic basket and drink a toast to the setting sun.. "If we can. With the start of the third round, when the Bears are scheduled to make two of their nine remaining selections. Their arrival immediately puts three veterans on notice for possible departure: wide receiver Brandon Lloyd, safety Adam Archuleta and cornerback Ricky Manning Jr. wholesale nfl jerseys Chivas' home games have a far more foreign feel to them than the Galaxy's games. Spanish is the preferred language, and plenty of fans wear jerseys that blend the red and white stripes of Chivas with the solid green of Mexico's national team. cheap nfl jerseys (In Mexico, the Chivas franchise is considered almost a proxy for the national team because of its refusal to field foreign players.) The raucous fan section is called "Legion 1908," just like its counterpart in Guadalajara; the name commemorates the ye...